Blueberry Streusel Bread. This Blueberry Streusel Bread is delicious treat which is great for breakfasts, lunches or anytime! Last week, I wrote a post on a new recipe challenge. Blueberry Crumble Bread Recipe - Blueberry Streusel.
This Blueberry Banana Streusel Eggnog Bread is perfect for a holiday.
Today I'm sharing Laurel's gorgeous blueberry streusel bread.
It's just like a delicious blueberry muffin, but you can slice and serve it - perfect with a cup of coffee or tea.
Kawan-kawan dapat membuat Blueberry Streusel Bread hanya dengan menggunakan 25 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Blueberry Streusel Bread yuk!
Bahan Blueberry Streusel Bread
- Sediakan of Bahan A:.
- Dibutuhkan of tepung protein tinggi.
- Sediakan of tepung protein sedang.
- Dibutuhkan of ragi instant.
- Siapkan of gula pasir.
- Gunakan of bread improver (sy skip).
- Gunakan of telur utuh.
- Siapkan of susu cair dingin.
- Sediakan of Bahan B:.
- Siapkan of salted butter.
- Dibutuhkan of garam halus.
- Sediakan of Filling:.
- Dibutuhkan of Selai blueberry.
- Siapkan of Olesan (aduk rata):.
- Sediakan of kuning telur.
- Sediakan of susu evaporasi/susu cair.
- Sediakan of Topping Crumble/Streusel (aduk sampai berbutir):.
- Siapkan of salted butter.
- Siapkan of gula halus.
- Gunakan of susu bubuk.
- Sediakan of tepung pro rendah.
- Gunakan of Topping Creamcheese (campur rata):.
- Dibutuhkan of salted butter.
- Sediakan of cream cheese.
- Diperlukan of gula halus.
This banana bread recipe is yummy, moist and full of banana flavor! We love the addition of blueberries. The streusel on top is what sets this banana bread recipe apart and makes it amazing. Blueberry Orange Bread Pudding With Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce.
Langkah-langkah membuat Blueberry Streusel Bread
- Kocok semua bahan A dengan mixer sampai kalis, tuang susu cair perlahan, bertahap spy tidak lembek adonannya..
- Masukan bahan B, mixer lagi sampai kalis elastis..
- Bulatkan, tutupi plastik, diamkan sampai mengembang 2x lipat (skitar 40-60 menit).
- Kempiskan adonan, potong2 timbang adonan 60gr. Bulat2kan dan istirahatkan 15 menit..
- Gilas memanjang adonan dan isi tengahnya dg selai blueberry, rapatkan bentuk memanjang. (Tips: cubit2 adonan spy menutup sempurna spy tdk terbuka saat proofing).
- Masukkan dalam cup kertas, diamkan 40 menit..
- Panaskan oven 170” (sesuaikan oven masing2).
- Olesi permukaan adonan dengan olesan. Semprotkan topping creamcheese secara zigzag. (Pakai pipping bag/plastik segitiga). Lalu taburi crumble..
- Panggang selama 15 menit atau sampai golden brown..
A fluffy and moist vegan banana bread mixed with blueberries and finished with an irresistible oat streusel topping. Blueberry Zucchini Bread with Streusel Topping is the perfect way to use up garden fresh zucchini! Blueberries take typical zucchini bread to the next level, yum! My Blueberry Bread Recipe with Oat Streusel Topping. I took some inspiration from blueberry muffins for this tasty blueberry bread recipe, incorporating a good amount of rich ingredients that not only.