Foccacia Garden (Foccacia Bread). Turn a blank bread canvas into a beautiful edible masterpiece with your favorite herbs and vegetables. Want to get the best fluff and flavor out of your focaccia? Refrigerate the dough overnight before baking.
When her bread-based social media feed started filling up with the little gardens, she was encouraged to give it a shot.
Turn a blank bread canvas into a beautiful edible masterpiece with your favorite herbs and vegetables. 🌷🌼 We're mindful of how the current coronavirus.
Summer garden focaccia bread - a fun way to get creative with bread this summer!
Kalian dapat menyiapkan Foccacia Garden (Foccacia Bread) hanya dengan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Foccacia Garden (Foccacia Bread)!
Bahan Foccacia Garden (Foccacia Bread)
- Dibutuhkan of tepung terigu (mix protein tinggi+sedang).
- Diperlukan of ragi instan.
- Gunakan of garam.
- Siapkan of minyak goreng.
- Diperlukan of air hangat.
- Dibutuhkan of Topping :.
- Diperlukan of Menyesuaikan stock.
- Diperlukan of Seledri, sosis, bawang bombay.
Our focaccia has a moist but airy crumb sandwiched between thin but ultra-crunchy top and bottom crusts, thanks to a generous amount of olive oil. This delicious Rosemary Focaccia Bread recipe is super-easy to make, and topped with fresh rosemary, olive oil and flaky sea salt. When I saw your rosemary foccacia receipe it looked so good i couldn"t wait to try it. I have had two attempts trying to make it, But were not succesful it didn"t come stretchy like yours. i can't thank you enough for this recipe.
Cara membuat Foccacia Garden (Foccacia Bread)
- Siapkan semua bahan dalam wadah tuang tepung terigu garam dan ragi berseberangan kemudian aduk rata.
- Tuang air dan minyak kemudian mixer selama 5-8 menit adonan akan lengket.
- Setelah selesai olesi permukaan adonan dengan minyak kemudian diamkan selama 1-1,5 jam tutup dengan serbet bersih.
- Setelah selesai proofing kempeskan adonan lalu ratakan diatas loyang yang sudah diolesi minyak tekan2 dengan jari rapikan kemudian berimajinasi hias sesuka hati beri sedikit kaldu bubuk diatasnya secara merata diamkan lagi selama 30 menit.
- Kemudian panggang selama 30 menit sesuaikan dengan oven masing2 angkat sajikan~.
This recipe leaves so much room for experimentation, too. I've been making so much focaccia at home recently that I've quickly found out the sky's the limit. I like playing around with different herbs from my garden, or sprinkling the top with sesame seeds. Chopped sun-dried tomatoes and thinly sliced. How to make the best focaccia bread that's perfectly crisp on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside.