Chocolate plate banana sandwich. The Chocolate Banana Grilled Sandwich is easy to make and tastes so great that both kids and adults will like it immensely. The buttery, chocolaty and fruity flavours mingle well with amazing results. You can also try other sandwich recipes like Potato Tikki Sandwich or Pesto and.
Toasted bread with chocolate paste and sliced banana on white background.
For the preparation of homemade chocolate paste mix the sugar with the cocoa, flour and coffee, gradually pour in the milk Lubricate white bread with chocolate paste and put a banana circles.
Serve chocolate-banana sandwich for breakfast or as a dessert.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kalian dapat memasak Chocolate plate banana sandwich hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Chocolate plate banana sandwich!
Bahan-bahan Chocolate plate banana sandwich
- Sediakan of beng2 drink.
- Siapkan of tepung terigu.
- Siapkan of Garam.
- Gunakan of Vanili.
- Siapkan of Telur ayam.
- Gunakan of Pisang ambon.
- Dibutuhkan of Gula pasir.
See more ideas about Banana sandwich, Food humor, Gross food. But if you manage to turn your noodles into Chewbacca, or can make a plate of Angry bird sandwiches, hardly anyone could say no to that! Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches with Peanut Butter Chocolate Sauce. Search triple tested recipes from the Good Housekeeping Cookery Team.
Cara membuat Chocolate plate banana sandwich
- Seduh beng2 drink dalam air hangat 200ml.
- Kocok telur bersama dengan gula pasir, garam, vanili sampai adonan berwarna putih dan berbusa.
- Masukkan beng2 drink kedalam adonan, dan masukkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit sampai tercampur rata.
- Panaskan teflon, beri margarin/butter secukupnya.
- Setelah panas, tuangkan adonan sebanyak kurang lebih 1 sendok sayur.
- Susun pisang secukupnya dibagian atas adonan, kemudian lipat menjadi dua bila sudah agak kering..
- Angkat dan susun dengan rapih untuk diberi topping sesuai selera😎...dalam resep saya menggunakan toping meises dan susu bubuk dancow.
For a truly indulgent brunch option, look no further than these sweet and sumptuous chocolate banana sandwiches. Brush a sandwich maker with butter and grill the sandwiches until golden brown. Divide the chocolate and banana mixture between them, spreading it almost to the edges. Top each with a second slice of bread and press together to make Repeat with the second sandwich. Cut the sandwiches in half to serve and sprinkle with a little ground cinnamon and either icing sugar or extra.