Sweet potato bread. A local restaurant used to sell sweet potato bread that I just loved, and this recipe is near identical to it. While roasting Sweet Potatoes does take more time than Steaming or Microwaving, I do not Step aside, Banana Bread! This Vegan & Gluten Free Sweet Potato Bread is fluffy, wholesome, and full of.
As a Northerner, I actually didn't realize that.
This sweet potato bread is more like cake than bread.
It is made with whole wheat flour and goes great with coffee.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kamu dapat memasak Sweet potato bread hanya dengan menggunakan 17 bahan dan 18 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Sweet potato bread!
Bahan Sweet potato bread
- Diperlukan of Adonan kulit/ dought.
- Diperlukan of tepung tapioka.
- Dibutuhkan of tepung ketan.
- Diperlukan of tepung roti.
- Gunakan of telor.
- Gunakan of garam.
- Diperlukan of corn syrup.
- Diperlukan of susu cair/air.
- Diperlukan of minyak goreng.
- Sediakan of unsalt butter.
- Sediakan of Bahan filling/ isian.
- Gunakan of ubi merah.
- Diperlukan of butter cairkan.
- Gunakan of madu.
- Sediakan of garam.
- Sediakan of Bahan topping/ balur.
- Dibutuhkan of Tepung ubi ungu.
Hope you give it a try. southern sweet potato bread Side Dish Southern. While freshly cooked and mashed sweet potatoes will give your quick bread a richer taste, canned sweet potatoes will work fine as well. Bread Machine Sweet Potato BreadThe Spruce Eats. A homemade sweet potato bread that is moist, soft and easy to make.
Cara membuat Sweet potato bread
- Campur tepung tapioka, ketan dan garam aduk rata.
- Masukan susu cair dan corn syrup aduk rata.
- Masukan telor aduk rata.
- Masukan minyak goreng dan butter ulenin hingga lembut n rata.
- Tambahkan tepung roti aduk rata.
- Tutup dgn cling wrab sisihkan selama 30 menit.
- Cara membuat filling.
- Rebus ubi merah sampai matang lalu haluskan.
- Masukan garam dan butter cair dan madu aduk sampai rata.
- Cara membungkus.
- Timbang adonan kulit masing masing 60 gram.
- Timbang adonan isi/filling masing masing 50 gram.
- Ambil adonan isi bentuk seperti ubi.
- Ambil adonan kulit pipikan.
- Bungkus adonan isi n bentuk menyerupain ubi.
- Gulingkan d atas tepung ubi ungu.
- Susun d atas loyang yg sudah d alasin kertas roti.
- Panggang dgn api 180 derajat selama 20 menit.
Ever since I've made this sweet potato bread for a previous Daring Baker's Challenge, it has become a regular at the Lovlie. This beautiful healthy sweet potato bread recipe is another addition to my list of bread recipes with Healthy sweet potato bread combines the health benefits of whole wheat and sweet potatoes in it. I wanted this bread to be all the things a bread could be. I wanted it to be fully Paleo plus include sweet potato in the ingredients. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, oil, egg, sweet potatoes and vanilla.