Resep: COFFEE BUN / ROTI BOY KW Legit dan Nikmat!

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

COFFEE BUN / ROTI BOY KW. Coffee Bun salah satu jenis roti yg jadi favorit di keluarga aku. Pokoknya yummyyyyyyy deh. #CookpadCommunity_Depok #Resep_Vie. Войти. How to make coffee bun/coffee bun recipe/모카번만들기/rotiboy/paparoti. Смотреть позже. 봉긋하고 담백한~ꈍꈊꈍ 모카번 만들기 : Coffee Buns Recipe

COFFEE BUN / ROTI BOY KW Mexican Coffee Bun (Rotiboy) - Sweet bun with coffee topping and butter filling. It's popular in Malaysia and Asia. This coffee bun is also a very popular snack in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, and even Korea. Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kamu dapat memasak COFFEE BUN / ROTI BOY KW hanya dengan menggunakan 19 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin COFFEE BUN / ROTI BOY KW yuk!


  1. Dibutuhkan of tepung protein tinggi.
  2. Gunakan of tepung protein sedang.
  3. Siapkan of gula pasir.
  4. Dibutuhkan of susu bubuk.
  5. Sediakan of ragi instan.
  6. Diperlukan of susu cair.
  7. Sediakan of garam.
  8. Sediakan of kuning telor.
  9. Diperlukan of margarin.
  10. Sediakan of air es.
  11. Diperlukan of TOPING :.
  12. Siapkan of gula halus.
  13. Siapkan of margarin.
  14. Sediakan of telor.
  15. Dibutuhkan of tepung terigu.
  16. Diperlukan of kopi instan (seduh dengan 1 sdm air panas).
  17. Dibutuhkan of ISIAN :.
  18. Dibutuhkan of margarin.
  19. Gunakan of gula halus.

Mexican coffee bun is best eaten when it's just off. Oooh I always love the alluring fragrant of this coffee bun! It tasted so awfully good when its still warm, crusty cookie topping with buttery filling. But my first attempt on this coffee bun was really a disaster hahaha.filling all oozing out and the topping really looks ugly *no eyes see* >.<.


  1. Siapka semua bahan. Campur jadi 1 dalam baskom kecuali margarin dan garam. Mixer atau uleni dengan tangan sampai 1/2 Kalis..
  2. Tambahkan margarin dan garam. Mixer / uleni sampai kalis..
  3. Bulatkan dan istirahatkan sampai 2x lipat. Tinju dan timbang 50gr. Gilas dan isi lalu bulatkan lagi dan tata di loyang. Istirahatkan sampai 2x lipat..
  4. Beri toping dan panggang tergantung suhu oven sendiri ya. Me: oven tangkring dg suhu 200° waktu 10menit rak bawah dan 5 menit rak atas. Roti boy/ coffee Bun/ roti O KW siap disajikan..
  5. Isian: campur jadi 1 bahan dan aduk rata. Isian siap di pakai. Toping: campur semua bahan termasuk pasta kopinya. Lalu mixer sampai tercampur rata. Masukkan dalam plastik segitiga, toping siap untuk digunakan..

Recreate the popular rotiboy coffee bun in the comfort and warmth of your own kitchen with this easy-to-follow recipe! Recreating this popular bun at home is easier than it sounds, and all you need is to be patient and follow the steps accurately. How To Make Honey Coffee Buns Papparoti Roti Boy [ASMR] 【世界一美味しいパン】カフェロティ の作り方 [Eating sound] Instagram How To Make Honey Coffee Buns Papparoti Roti Boy [ASMR] 【世界一美味しいパン】カフェロティ. It is like a thin coffee butter cookie spread over the bun. When you bite into these the outside is crisp while the inside is soft and buttery.