Cara Memasak COFFEE BUN ala roti boy Untuk Pemula!

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

COFFEE BUN ala roti boy. Resep Membuat Coffee Bun atau Roti ala-ala Rotiboy Untuk membuat roti ini, bisa dikasih isi juga sesuai selera. Bisa diisi butter atau selai coklat sesuai. How to make coffee bun/coffee bun recipe/모카번만들기/rotiboy/paparoti.

COFFEE BUN ala roti boy It's popular in Malaysia and Asia. Oooh I always love the alluring fragrant of this coffee bun! It tasted so awfully good when its still warm, crusty cookie topping with buttery filling. Kamu dapat membuat COFFEE BUN ala roti boy hanya dengan menggunakan 14 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin COFFEE BUN ala roti boy yuk!

Bahan-bahan COFFEE BUN ala roti boy

  1. Gunakan of Resep roti.
  2. Sediakan of telur utuh.
  3. Sediakan of tepunh protein tinggi.
  4. Diperlukan of ragi instan.
  5. Siapkan of susu bubuk.
  6. Dibutuhkan of gula pasir.
  7. Diperlukan of mentega.
  8. Dibutuhkan of air dingin / susu cair dingin.
  9. Sediakan of Resep topping.
  10. Diperlukan of telur.
  11. Sediakan of butter.
  12. Siapkan of tepung terigu (di ayak).
  13. Diperlukan of gula halus.
  14. Siapkan of coffee mix instant (larutkan dengen 1-2sdm air panas).

But my first attempt on this coffee bun was really a disaster hahaha.filling all oozing out and the topping really looks ugly *no eyes see* >.<. G. these buns are SO delicious you've got to try them! "Rotiboy", which started in Malaysia, is perhaps the most well known brand that specializes in these buns, but since then there have been a few others such as papparoti and Mr. Place buns on lightly greased pan and let rest for. Nah ternyata kamu bisa bikin coffee bun ala Rotiboy sendiri lho!

Langkah-langkah membuat COFFEE BUN ala roti boy

  1. Campur bahan kering, lalu masukan telur dan susu cair.
  2. Ulenin hingga setengah kalis, lalu masukan mentega, ulen hingga kakis elastis.
  3. Diamkan adonan hingga mengembang 2x kurang lebih 30 menit.
  4. Bentuk adonan sesuai selera. Diamkan kembali hingga menggembang 2x lipat.
  5. Sambil menunggu mari membuat adonan topping :.
  6. Mixer butter dan gula sampai mengembang - Masukan telur secara bertahap, setelah itu masukan kopinya, terakhir masukan terigu, aduk sampai tercampur rata - Masukkan ke piping bag, simpan dalam kulkas, keluarkan 30 menit sebelum di gunakan.
  7. Setelah adonan dibentuk dan diisi, biarkan mengembang dan sebelum dioven semprotkan topping melingkar dari atas (cukup 3/4 dr permukaan adonan yg di tutup dengan bahan topping).
  8. Panggang 180 derajat, kurang lebih 20-25 menit.

It is like a thin coffee butter cookie spread over the bun. When you bite into these the outside is crisp while the inside is soft and buttery. I saw a lot of people walking around in the mall eating out of these little paper bags. I asked one of the locals about the item that they were. These are pillowy soft, butter flavored sweet buns with a crispy coffee flavored topping and butter filling.