Coffee bun/ roti boy/ roti o. Coffee bun is so delicious when it's warm because it will crunchy outside and soft inside, and this bun can be stored in. Mexican Coffee Bun (Rotiboy) - Sweet bun with coffee topping and butter filling. It is made popular by this Malaysian bakery called Rotiboy and now this bun is commonly known as "Rotiboy" in Malaysia and throughout Asia.
Recreate the popular rotiboy coffee bun in the comfort and warmth of your own kitchen with this easy-to-follow recipe!
Recreating this popular bun at home is easier than it sounds, and all you need is to be patient and follow the steps accurately.
It is like a thin coffee butter cookie spread over the bun.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, teman-teman dapat membuat Coffee bun/ roti boy/ roti o hanya dengan menggunakan 12 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Coffee bun/ roti boy/ roti o!
Bahan Coffee bun/ roti boy/ roti o
- Sediakan of tepung.
- Siapkan of garam.
- Dibutuhkan of ragi.
- Sediakan of butter.
- Sediakan of telur.
- Siapkan of Bun.
- Gunakan of Butter cream coffee.
- Sediakan of kopi instan (saya nescafe).
- Sediakan of gula halus.
- Siapkan of butter.
- Dibutuhkan of telur.
- Gunakan of tepung.
When you bite into these the outside is crisp while the inside is soft and buttery. How to make a delicious coffee bun Let's make a delicious coffee bun. Oooh I always love the alluring fragrant of this coffee bun! It tasted so awfully good when its still warm, crusty cookie topping with buttery filling.
Langkah-langkah memasak Coffee bun/ roti boy/ roti o
- Mixer semua bahan bun kecuali butter. Mixer dengan kecepatan sedang 2-3 menit (diuleni pake tangan juga boleh) setelah itu masukan butter, mixer hingga kalis. Tutup adonan dengan kain diamkan selama 1 jam..
- Sambil menunggu adonan. Seduh 1 sdt kopi dengan 1 sdt air panas, sisihkan. Mixer semua butter dengan gula halus hingga creamy, masukan telur, tepung dan kopi tadi. Mixer hingga rata, masukan kedalam piping bag, lalu taro di chiller..
- Setelah 1 jam. Bagi adonan menjadi 9 bagian. Lalu yang 1 bagian, bagi menjadi 8 bagian kecil untuk taro butter yang sudah di bekukan. Isi butter kedalam adonan yg kecil lalu masukan kedalam adonan yg besar. Bulat kan kemudian tutup dengan kain tunggu hingga 30 menit.
- Setelah 30 menit. Panaskan oven, tata roti diloyang lalu tuangkan butter cream coffee tadi diatasnya. Panggang disuhu 180 dengan api atas bawah selama 20 menit (sesuaikan oven masing2 ya).
- Sajikan~ selamat mencoba yaa. Walaupun bentuknya jelek tapi tetep enak kok hehe.
But my first attempt on this coffee bun was really a disaster hahaha.filling all oozing out and the topping really looks ugly *no eyes see* >.<. Ultra pillowy soft coffee buns with heavenly buttery goodness. It has just the right amount of coffee to tease and wake your senses! But making this Kopi Roti a.k.a. "Rotiboy" buns are more similar to making brioche but with lesser butter and no need for sponge. Place buns on lightly greased pan and let rest for.