Mexican Coffee Bun / Roti Boy. Mexican Coffee Bun (Rotiboy) - Sweet bun with coffee topping and butter filling. It's popular in Malaysia and Asia. The joy of baking this Mexican coffee bun or rotiboy is as fun as the joy of eating it hot and fresh.
G. these buns are SO delicious you've got to try them!
These fluffy, buttery buns are topped with a coffee scented cookie crust, and they became wildly.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kalian dapat menghidangkan Mexican Coffee Bun / Roti Boy hanya dengan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 2 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Mexican Coffee Bun / Roti Boy yuk!
Bahan-bahan Mexican Coffee Bun / Roti Boy
- Diperlukan of Resep Utk bahan dasar roti silakan pakai resep andalan masing2.
- Gunakan of Ini resep topping saja.
- Dibutuhkan of butter.
- Gunakan of gula halus.
- Dibutuhkan of telur uk besar.
- Diperlukan of coffee mix instant larutkan dgn 1-2sdm air panas.
- Siapkan of pasta mocca (bisa skip).
- Diperlukan of terigu serbaguna, ayak.
Soft buns with only one-time proofing, topped with coffee flavor cookie crust and filled with melty cheese are simply irresistible. All the tips you need to know to make this at home. It is like a thin coffee butter cookie spread over the bun. When you bite into these the outside is crisp while the inside is soft and buttery.
Langkah-langkah membuat Mexican Coffee Bun / Roti Boy
- Mixer butter dan gula sampai mengembang, masukan telur secara bertahap. Masukan kopi, terakhir masukan tepung, aduk smp bener2 tercampur rata. Isi ke piping bag, simpan dlm kulkas, keluarkan 30mnt sebelum digunakan..
- Setelah adonan dibentuk dan diisi, biarkan mengembang dan sebelum dioven semprotkan topping melingkar dr atas (cukup 3/4 dr permukaan adonan yg ditutup dgn bahan topping). Bahan isi: @15g mentega asin dingin..
Mexican coffee bun or as known as the Rotiboy made famous by the bakery called Rotiboy in Penang, Malaysia. Now it is popular all over Asia. This bun is best eaten hot, the buttery centre and the sweet coffee flavoured topping is irresistibly tasty. Mexican coffee bun, or more commonly known as Rotiboy in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, is a sweet bun with crusty coffee topping and butter filling. This bun was made popular by a malaysia based bakery named Rotiboy.