Roti Canai. Roti canai is a popular breakfast and snack dish in Malaysia, and one of the most famous examples of Malaysian Indian cuisine. It is said that the dish was brought over from India by Indian Muslims, also known as "Mamaks" in Malaysia, and is served in Mamak stalls located in both rural and urban Malaysia. 'Roti canai' or 'roti prata' is a flatbread of Indian origin and is extremely loved in countries like Malaysia and Singapore. Usually eaten with dhal curry, fish or chicken curry, it is sometimes served sweet with condensed milk, bananas or even chocolate cream.
The recipes that have margarine or eggs and milk are not the ones they use in those Indian food stalls.
Crisp, flaky and the perfect accompaniment to dhal and curry sauces, roti canai are served at street stalls.
Roti Canai Is the Malaysian Adaptation of the Indian Paratha Roti MR.
Kawan-kawan dapat memasak Roti Canai hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Roti Canai!
Bahan Roti Canai
- Gunakan 500 gr of tepung terigu pro tinggi.
- Dibutuhkan 30 gr of gula pasir.
- Siapkan 80 gr of butter.
- Diperlukan 2 btr of kuning telur.
- Diperlukan 1 btr of telur utuh.
- Dibutuhkan 200 ml of air.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdm of garam.
- Sediakan 1 sdm of bawang merah halus.
- Siapkan 1 sdm of bawang putih halus.
SURAKIT HARNTONGKUL / Vetta/Getty Images Roti refers to an unleavened flatbread eaten in India , other South Asian countries, and in some parts of the Caribbean and Africa. Roti canai if translated directly from Malay language would be "Flattened bread". Canai is flattened or more accurately is the method of throwing the bread dough in the air in a spinning motion, with the objective of getting thinner and bigger flat dough. Roti canai is a very popular flat bread in Malaysia.
Langkah-langkah membuat Roti Canai
- Siapkan semua bahan.
- Campur semua bahan dalam wadah/breadmachine, uleni/proses no 11, sampai kalis.
- Bagi adonan menjadi 16 bagian dengan berat kurang lebih 30 gr. Bulatkan.
- Rendam adonan dalam minyak dan istirahatkan 2-3 jam. Tutup dengan plastik supaya ga kering.
- Pipihkan dan lebarkan sebuah adonan setipis mungkin, olesi dengan butter diatasnya. Lipat seperti melipat kertas kipas. Gulung kedua ujungnya berlawanan dan tumpuk jadi satu. Sisihkan. Istirahatkan kembali adonan selama 20 menit..
- Pipihkan adonan. Panaskan teflon dengan sedikit minyak/butter. Masak adonan tadi, dengan sering membolak-balik adonan sampai matang..
- Sajikan roti canai/maryam/konde dengan kurma kari ayam..
Originated from southern India, roti canai is sometimes called roti paratha or roti prata. These roti are modified and made famous by Mamak (Muslim-Indian) hawkers and street stalls all over the Malaysia. They are crispy, buttery and flaky. Hi Cheng, we commend your efforts at the quintessential roti canai! There are a few factors that causes a hard roti: a) using the right flour is necessary as protein content is different for different varieties of flour, higher protein content flour may cause the roti to be hard; b) letting the gluten in the dough rest enough would also promote better.