Roti canai. Roti canai or roti paratha is an all-time Malaysian favourite. Usually eaten with dhal, fish or chicken curry, roti canai is sometimes served sweet with. Roti canai or roti paratha is a crispy Indian flat bread found in Malaysia.
Roti canai is a very known dish in my home country Malaysia.
It's a flatbread with influences from India.
The one thing that I consistently repeat and believe in The Best recipe ever.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Roti canai hanya dengan menggunakan 4 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Roti canai yuk!
Bahan Roti canai
- Sediakan of tepung roti.
- Gunakan of garam.
- Sediakan of Minyak goreng.
- Diperlukan of Mentega bluband.
Thank you very much. i cannot get the Roti Canai in Riyadh, so i have to make. All Reviews for Roti Canai/Paratha (Indian Pancake). Apparently, roti canai made its début in the region at Mamak (Indian Muslim) hawker stalls and When this unleavened bread started being called roti canai is not known. But the fact it is no longer.
Langkah-langkah membuat Roti canai
- Didihkan air.
- Kacau tepung dgn minyak,masukan air mendidih yg sudah di kasi garam,uleni sampai lembut sebentar saja,trus bulatkan,dan gilinh,lalu bakar.
- Setelah masak baru olesi mentega,gampang kan.
Roti Canai is an all-time Malaysian favourite that is best eaten piping hot with any of your favourite I live in Mauritius and a big fan of Malaysian food. I have tried the famous roti canai and have been. Roti canai is a type of flatbread that is commonly eaten for breakfast in Malaysia. It is common in Malaysia to see roti canai being made outdoors at a mamak stall. Crispy and fluffy homemade Roti Canai (Roti Paratha) with step-by-step instructions.