Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫. The Reese's peanut butter frosting is the same one that I created for my Reese's Peanut Butter Blondies and the peanut butter filling is like the peanut buttery center of a Buckeye. I adapted my Double Chocolate Banana Muffin recipe to create the Double Chocolate Banana cupcakes, and they are superb! These banana roll-ups are filled with healthy food super foods like natural peanut butter, chia seeds, hemp hearts and semi-sweet chocolate chips.
It is a very flexible recipe.
You can use it for a plain banana bread, a peanut butter banana bread, or a chocolate chip banana bread.
Spoon the mixture into a muffin pan lined with muffin cases (filling to the tops).
Sobat dapat memasak Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫 hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫 yuk!
Bahan Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫
- Sediakan 3 buah of pisang raja uk. Kecil-sedang.
- Diperlukan 3 lbr of roti tawar.
- Dibutuhkan of Pasta coklat kacang.
- Diperlukan 1 1/2 sdm of Mentega cair.
- Sediakan of Kayu manis bubuk.
OPTIONAL: For the peanut butter swirl, spoon a small dollop of runny peanut butter on the tops, and use a knife or toothpick to create swirls. Roll cakes used to intimidate me, but the truth is they are actually simple, and the results are so pretty! But more importantly, this cake is so tasty, you just don't want to miss out on it. So follow the steps here, and you'll be on your way to caramel-chocolate-banana-peanut butter bliss.
Cara memasak Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫
- Pipihkan roti tawar. Olesi dengan pasta coklat kacang. Tambahkan pisang. Gulung dan padatkan..
- Olesi sisi luarnya dengan mentega cair. Kemudian panggang hingga coklat keemasan..
- Setelah matang. Angkat dan taburi dengan bubuk kayu manis..
Yeasted dough rolled with a brown sugar peanut butter filling, and drizzled with a milk chocolate glaze. These sweet rolls make an extra special breakfast treat! I'm married to a control freak. It sounds like a bad thing, but most of the time, I really like it. That's one less thing for me to worry about… Thick peanut buttery homemade banana bread, hot from the oven, with melty chocolate chips and banana packed into every single delicious bite.